Friday, April 29, 2005

Not so happy kitty

Here is Alice in the Blueberry hat that I made for the baby yesterday. She was only willing to participate in the photo shoot since she could sit on Christopher's lap while it was happening. Hopefully I will not have the urge to use her as a model for baby sweaters as well.


I froged the Dalgarn Baby sweater that I was working on for a friend because I realized that I was not smart enough to read the sizing chart and was making the 9 month sized instead of the 12. He was born last February and I would like him to be able to wear the sweater for more than the month of November. So back to casting on.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Happy Kitty

My kitty, Alice discovered the bowl of fleece that I had photographed for my last post from my secret pal. Before shooing her away from it I just had to take this picture.

Alice and Fleece
She was just so happy that I ended up giving her part of an old roving that I didn't want for her very own. She likes to lay down and roll in it all the time.
On the knitting side I have managed to finish the shawl and it looks really good. I have not managed to photograph it. Maybe tomorrow.
On the spinning side I have finished spinning one roving but it is a little uneven so I think I am going to knit it into soaker pants for the baby. I have been working with a new roving but I am not a good enough spinner to have it be very even yet and there is enough for a sweater so I may stop fooling with it until I am a little better. A friend of mine recently gave me a grocery bag full of cotton bolls and after I have picked it clean I am going to try spinning it off the seed. That just seems like such a Mississippi thing to do. I think there is enough fiber for a pair of socks or maybe a little purse.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Back from Vacation

And, oh what a vacation it was. but comming back was great after two weeks away I really missed by DH. I also recieved 2 packages in the mail while I was gone. One was from my Secret pal and she sent me this, plus a little chicken that lays bubble gum eggs and is on my desk at work.

sp4 2

The Fleece is Border Leicster and hand dyed. I am looking forward to spinning it. And I needed a yarn journal. I already have some things glued into it!
Package number 2 was from my lovely friend Brynne who just moved her blog to knitlet It was a great blanket and bag roll up with lots of goodies in side.

Brynne Open

It has Burts Bee's things rolled up in a litttle side pocket, an eye pillow and a book on Lectio Devina which I really love to do. It looks like this when it is all rolled up.

rolled up

Which shows you what I got to pick up on my vacation in Colorado. My new spinning wheel.

New Lendrum

It is a Lendrum Castle wheel and I couldn't be happier. Maggie at Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins in Boulder, Co went over the wheel with me and made sure that everything was working properly before I took it home. I have been having a lot of fun with it but I haven't had much time to play. I felt I should finish up some projects first. Which I did, but they are soaking right now for blocking so no pictures until later. I would love to hear what other people think of their Lendrums. Or any tips for a new spinner, I have been a spindler for years but the wheel is different.