Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Happy Kitty

My kitty, Alice discovered the bowl of fleece that I had photographed for my last post from my secret pal. Before shooing her away from it I just had to take this picture.

Alice and Fleece
She was just so happy that I ended up giving her part of an old roving that I didn't want for her very own. She likes to lay down and roll in it all the time.
On the knitting side I have managed to finish the shawl and it looks really good. I have not managed to photograph it. Maybe tomorrow.
On the spinning side I have finished spinning one roving but it is a little uneven so I think I am going to knit it into soaker pants for the baby. I have been working with a new roving but I am not a good enough spinner to have it be very even yet and there is enough for a sweater so I may stop fooling with it until I am a little better. A friend of mine recently gave me a grocery bag full of cotton bolls and after I have picked it clean I am going to try spinning it off the seed. That just seems like such a Mississippi thing to do. I think there is enough fiber for a pair of socks or maybe a little purse.


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